Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Ball is rolling

WE are all here safe absolutely every piece of luggage arrived so praise God what a great thing to have all our donations and all of our team. I am doing pretty good, I am a little worried a few of us like me may be getting some kind of cold so pray this goes away.when I reflect on all that GOd is doing and all the we are able to do with the veterinary work it make me stand in Awe of the Lord and rejoice in the way he is using our group to bless the lives of these cattle men as we work with there catlle we treated many of there cows for disease problems today and I got to castrate a cow. THe vets that are with us a simply a perfect fir they are amzing teachers and know so much about working in Africa. Truly it is great to see where God has brought this project from the dream of it last year when I was here to the actual living out the dream this mission trip with this new team. We are getting up early ot work with the Dairy animals. PRay we can accomplish all the things that God has helped us plan with the people.


  1. Praise God Kathy - we are praying for you. Castrating a cow (I know you mean bull :)) must be a first in vetrinary medicine. If you can, please update us on people there.

  2. Congrats, Kathy, on your most excellent surgery on that 'bull'! Glad to hear everyone made it safely AND every piece of luggage made it as well. God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!

    Hugs, Pam
