Friday, June 5, 2009


Today was filled with laughter and fun. From our time at breakfast until our time of going to bed tonigh we laughing so much fun.Laughter I have decided is like love and it is the universal language. With all the people I interacted with today with whom spoke a different language then me or the same language we were all laughing so hard at things that we found funny and silly it is hard to describe. I laughed with people of all ages and races today and laughed so hard that my stomach hurts. So Praise be to our Good Lord Jesus that blessed us all with laughter I am still smiling with a great smile while I think of all the fun I had with our friends here in Zambia. We saw 1,000 cattle today and treated over 100 cattle and had quite the adventureous rodeo and had a great team effort everyone on the team worked so well together it is beautiful to see God at work amoung us. Much love I need to sleep please keep praying. love- Kathy LAUGH as much as you can. may God bless you as much today with laughter as I was blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kathy,
    Thanks for the updates - I am mentioning worshipping at Mwandi one year ago today in my sermon this morning. May God bless you and your team with much laughter, good rest and great effectiveness.
    In Christ
